Theme: Race, Gender, Class, Environment, and Education
The issues highlighted above are only a few of the many important challenges related to religion and education. This international conference is dedicated to addressing a variety of issues related to new developments in religion and education. Scholars, researchers, activists, and practitioners are warmly invited to take part in discussions of the following and other related themes.
The International Conference on Religion and Education on October 18-19, 2023 about A Global Challenge on Race, Gender, Class, Environment, and Education.
It will do as Online Seminar in Indonesia. The sub-topic about:
1. Faith, advocacy, and inclusive citizenship
2. Faith, freedom for assembly, religious freedom, and interreligious dialogue
3. Faith (and religious) education
4. Faith and other issues (race, gender, class, violence, spirituality, environment, traditional arts, development, ecotourism, etc.)
The objectives of this conference include:
To engage in scholarly discussion on new developments in religions
1. To disseminate updated research of participating institutions. Knowledge production on this subject and its dissemination are crucially significant for mutual understanding amongst parties working on any related issues to indigenous religions;
2. To build networks among relevant agencies/institutions for effective advocacy, knowledge-sharing, and problem-solving for issues of indigenous religions
3. To stimulate research for increasing greater knowledge about indigenous religions.
The outputs of this conference will support objectives through conference proceedings, journal articles, and network-building.
We are inviting scholars, researchers, activists, and practitioners of the field to participate in the conference. The timeline is as follows:
Date of paper submission: August 20, 2023
Submission of your abstract (250-300 words), paper, and more inquiries about this conference are sent to: or online
Date of the conference: October 18-19, 2023
Venue: Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Moriah
Matana Tower, Jalan CBD Barat Raya Kav.1, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang
Banten, Indonesia
Registration of Participants by Online:
The organizer of the seminar is Moriah Semitic Studies and Research Center (MSSR) and The Indonesia Christian Theologians Association (ICTA). The host is a Moriah Theological Seminary (Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Moriah), Tangerang, Indonesia.
It is expected that this conference will attract significant attention from scholars, researchers, activists, practitioners, and relevant institutions including government departments. Any proposal for collaboration for this conference will be welcomed and appreciated.
A. Manuscript General Requirement
- Written in English or Germany
- The length of the manuscript is 4000-7000 words (not including references)
- Prepared your manuscript using TEMPLATE
- The manuscript has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor)
- The manuscript file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format (don't use another format).
- Submit paper HERE
B. Structure of Manuscript
- TITLE. The title of the paper is maxed 12 words (English), without an Acronym or Abbreviation
- AUTHOR INFORMATION. Author information is the Author(s) Name, Author(s) Affiliation, and Author(s) email.
- ABSTRACT. The length of the Abstract is 150-200; No citations; State in the abstract a primary objective, research design, methodology, main outcomes, and results, and conclusions.
- SECTION STRUCTURE. Authors are suggested to present their manuscript in the section structure: Introduction - Method - Results and Discussion - Conclusion
- REFERENCES. Expect a minimum of 15 references primarily with a minimum of 40% to journal papers. Use Chicago style for your references